What is the Best Treatment for psoriasis on the hands?

Posted: August 14th, 2019

Having psoriasis on your hands is a painful situation, and you will want to do all that you can to minimize your suffering. While there is not a cure as of yet for psoriasis, there are things that you can do to minimize your suffering.

Avoiding Triggers  

Pay attention to when you have a flare-up of your psoriasis. There may be certain triggers that could make it worse. For instance, for some people triggers include using any kind of soap or lotion with fragrance. This chemical reaction can cause itching and pain. Try going completely fragrance-free to see if that helps. You will also want to pay attention to the foods you eat to see if there is one that is potentially causing a flare-up. 

Treating Psoriasis With Home Remedies  

There are pharmaceutical treatments for psoriasis, but for some people, this can make it worse. You can always try some all-natural skincare that may help to relieve some of the symptoms of psoriasis. Here are a few things that you can try: ·      Soaking. Consider soaking your hands in a mixture of Epsom salts and olive oil. This has been shown to reduce inflammation. ·      Turmeric. Consider adding a turmeric supplement to your diet. There have been some studies that suggest daily consumption of turmeric may aid in healing psoriasis. ·      All-natural soaps. Switch to all-natural soaps that are fragrance-free. If you can find one with goat's milk, this is said to help as well. ·      Reducing stress. It has been shown that being under a lot of stress can make psoriasis worse. Try to do all that you can to destress. ·      Aloe vera creams. Aloe vera may help aid in the healing of psoriasis. Simply put some on your hands every day in the affected area. Doing these skin treatment suggestions may help you during a flare-up of psoriasis. Be sure to further research some all-natural home remedies for your condition as many may help.

