Twice as Nice

Posted: December 9th, 2019

Share a Holiday Treat with Your Best Friend

Best friends don't have to spend a lot of time together. They have separate lives and families. And those lives are busy during the holiday season. Wouldn't it be fun, though, to spend a few hours with one of your best friends, relaxing and talking and being pampered? Sometimes a great opportunity for a fun day with a special friend comes along, and you just can't pass it up. How about spoiling yourself with a soothing manicure and pedicure at a day spa? Sharing it with your best friend would make it twice as nice. Getting an exceptional deal, like two manicures and two pedicures for $99, makes it even more enjoyable. Give your buddy a holiday treat. The two of you can sit back and catch up on recent events in your lives, gossip or philosophize, while specialists beautify your nails. It generally takes about an hour and a half to make your nails, on both your hands and feet, gorgeous.
You can surprise your friend with the spa treatment. You might include it in your holiday card. Or put it in a box and wrap it up. Or just drag her along with you to the day spa and watch her face when she learns that she's included. Anyway, you give it, your gift of a manicure and pedicure at the day spa will make her holiday time brighter and more cheerful, as well as more colorful. Go to lunch before or after and the day is complete. Spending time together is the best present you can give anyone. This holiday season, treat your friend, and yourself, to dazzling nails for only $99. The memories will be worth a lot more.

