My Knees Are Killing Me. I'm still Young.

Posted: February 14th, 2020

Many adults are trying to engage in healthy living, only to come face to face with the fact that knees are rather delicate structures and really take a pounding during sports and exercise. Knee pain is very common. Even teenagers and young adults can suffer from knee pain. Common causes of pain include:
  • Increasing your exercise load too rapidly
  • Weak hip and thigh muscles
  • Poor biomechanics
  • Improper footwear
  • Excessive body weight
  • A torn meniscus or ligament
  • Bursitis
Although this list seems to include many diverse causes, there are a few common approaches that can relieve, cure, or prevent most of these pains. Here, we have outlined a step-by-step approach to relieve knee pain:

1. Rest and ice

Don't push through the pain.

2. Consult a physical therapist

A physical therapist can evaluate your biomechanics and help retrain how you use your body. Yes, it is possible to use incorrect biomechanics during an activity as basic as walking. In addition, a physical therapist can provide an exercise program to strengthen weak muscles that are causing the problem, and show you exercises to strengthen the muscles around your knees.

3. Weight control

Every extra pound you carry puts extra stress on every one of your joints.

4. Pamper yourself

Try massage therapy and reflexology followed by a soak in a hot tub or sauna at a day spa.

5. Buy some new shoes

Shoes used for sports need to be replaced frequently.

6. See the doctor

If your home care and wellness efforts haven't worked and your knee is still painful or feels unstable, you may have a torn meniscus, bursitis, or an injured ligament, and it's time to see a doctor.

