Massage for Children with Autism

Posted: March 7th, 2012

Massage is becoming a very popular option in the treatment for various different types of aliments. Some people are moving away from drugs that can have harmful side effects and are embracing more holistic options such as massage therapy. Others are supplementing medical treatment with holistic treatments to maximize results. Massage is gaining popularity with younger generations. Children are being taken to massage therapist to help them treat a variety of different ailments.
One group of children that is benefiting from massage therapy is children with autism. Autism is a term for a complex disorder of brain development which is characterized by difficulties in social interaction, verbal and nonverbal communication and repetitive behaviors. Massage has the ability to help children with autism to relax, reduce stress and calm muscle spasms. It allows these children to become more aware of their bodies and helps them to become more accustomed to tactile stimulation. When massage therapy is incorporated into daily routines, it can help children with autism to decrease sleep issues. Finally, a nurturing touch can help reduce inattentiveness, touch aversion and withdrawal.
If you are interested in getting a massage, contact Space Coast Massage & Spa at 321-729-9000 to schedule an appointment.

