Let's Talk About Tea Tree Oil

Posted: October 21st, 2019

Review of Tea Tree Oil

Whether we see it in the supermarket, the beauty salon, or in the pharmacy, tea tree oil has been the forefront of one of the most visibly essential oils on the market. What has sparked this trend? What are the benefits of tea tree oil? Are there any precautions we should know before using it?

Benefits of Tea Tree Oil

Melaleuca alternifolia is a tree from northeastern Australia. It is from the leaves of this tree that tea oil can be found. Though it has been used for hundreds of years from the aboriginal tribes, this essential oil has found its way into the American health market. So what benefits are there to tea tree oil, and how should it be used?


Tea tree oil is known to aid the healing process of wounds with antibacterial antiseptic properties. When combined with other essential oils, tea tree oil can boost the smoothness of the skin while protecting cuts or scrapes from infection. Tea tree oil has been used in beauty salons to help fight psoriasis and dandruff.


A small amount of tea tree oil can make an excellent substitute for mouthwash. As noted earlier, the antibacterial antiseptic properties can help relieve bad breath, and it may assist in removing plaque from teeth.

Toenail Fungus

Rather than spending money on prescription medicines, tea tree oil can eradicate toenail fungus. If used regularly, it can deter future fungi from forming.


Nothing is more embarrassing than blotches of acne over the face and neck. The good news is that tea tree oil may help to clear up skin and fight acne. Apply a tiny amount of tea tree oil to affected areas. In some cases, this oil works three times better than some medications.

What About Precautions?

Like other essential oils, it is imperative to know the facts before using tea tree oil. While this oil has many benefits for skincare, below are possible adverse reactions.

Keep Away From Children

Tea tree oil can have a toxic effect when orally ingested. It is best to keep this product far from the reach of small children. Contact 911 or the nearest poison center in case of accidental swallowing.

Skin Reactions

It is suggested that an individual using this product for the first time should try a small drop in an area of unaffected skin. After application, wait 48 hours to see if any reaction occurs.


Do not apply this product to animals, such as dogs, cats, or other household pets.

