Is it Dangerous to Attempt Pore Extraction at Home?

Posted: November 8th, 2019

If you've ever had a professional facial, the esthetician probably did a pore extraction. Extractions are basically just a clean and safe way of popping pimples. Over time, dirt, sebum, the oil your skin naturally produces, and dead skin cells can build up and lead to clogged pores. This is often a problem for teenagers, but if you also have issues with adult acne, your clogged pores are more likely to become inflamed and turn into a pimple. While it can be very tempting to pop these blackheads or whiteheads, this can actually lead to more skin issues in the future.   Skincare professionals can help clear out pores with a spa treatment and special tools. The reason that it's not a great idea to try a DIY pore extraction is that you likely don't have access to the proper sterile tools. During a facial, the esthetician will steam your skin to open the pores and do exfoliation with an acid or enzyme mask to gently slough off the dead skin cells. After all that, they'll use extraction equipment to remove anything trapped in your skin. At home, you won't be able to do all the steps properly. Trying to use unclean hands is the worst thing you can do. You will likely only spread more dirt and bacteria to the area, as well as cause redness and inflammation. In the future, you might be left with a scar.   Although it can be cheaper and quicker to pop blackheads and pimples at home, try to leave the DIY extractions behind. If your teenage years are long gone, and you're still dealing with adult acne, try getting a spa treatment every few weeks. A professional can clear up your skin and help you learn how to deal with excess sebum. If facials aren't in your budget right now, do some research about chemical exfoliation, and invest in a few good skincare products. Acne and pimples are frustrating, but oftentimes, being gentle with your skin is the best thing you can do for it.

