How to Reduce Cellulite with Massage

Posted: July 25th, 2012

Cellulite affects up to 90% of women, and 10% of men in America. It is the dimpling of skin caused by fat and fluid buildup that forms between the connective tissue bands connecting muscles and skin together. When that fat starts to bulge out, the tissue bands tightly adhere to the muscle surrounding it which causes the dimpling visible in the outer layer of skin. The causes of cellulite can vary from person to person, and scientists and doctors have not come up with a method or procedure to completely cure cellulite. Poor diet, stress, lack of exercise, stress, hormonal and metabolic imbalances, even genetics have been the causes for cellulite formation. Although there is no real way to cure cellulite completely at this time, there are several methods for reducing cellulite involving surgery and laser treatment. However, there are non-invasive methods involving bodywork, that can help to smooth out and greatly reduce the appearance of cellulite. This can be done without the hassle of surgery or expensive medical treatments. You can discuss with the massage therapist the different types of massage therapies that can be used to help reduce the appearance of your cellulite. Deep tissue massage, lymphatic massage, and cellulite massage can be used with one another to help eliminate the cellulite in the problem areas. Deep tissue massage involves: improving blood flow to the muscles, breaking up adhesions and scar tissue surrounding the fat and fluid pockets, soothing the area by relieving tension, and breaking down the toxins stored inside the cellulite. However this method cannot be done daily, as you need your body to heal in between sessions. Lymphatic massage is often recommended after other massages, and can be done daily. Lymphatic massage focuses on draining the body of excess fluid and toxins that are stored within the lymphatic system, helping the body to heal, and reducing inflammation. Cellulite massage offers the benefits of the lymphatic massage, with a more targeted attack on the cellulite under the skin. Therapists use their hands in a way that stretches the connective tissue holding down the cellulite, while at the same time, creating micro tears in the tissue that fill with collagen and elastin, which helps make the connective tissue more smooth. When done often, these massages can help to greatly reduce the appearance of cellulite, and create a smoother, more relaxed you.

