Aromatherapy 101

Posted: November 1st, 2019

Aromatherapy is a type of relaxation technique that utilizes the wonderful natural benefits of essential oils. More often than not, essential oils will be applied to the skin during a specialized massage session by a licensed massage therapist. There are plenty of reasons why someone would seek out an experienced esthetician or licensed massage therapist who is well versed in the language of essential oils. For starters, a day spa will generally want to provide their clients with a means of stress management.   What certain oils, such as lavender and orange, tend to do is provide a natural calming effect when the scent they give off is inhaled or their oil extracts are well applied to certain parts of the skin. These are just two examples of oils often used by an esthetician at your nearby day spa. They are also very much appropriate to use daily and, unless an individual is allergic to them, they can safely be used daily for all of your aromatherapy calming needs.  There are other pros associated with spa treatments that include certain oils being applied to the skin. Those who have known skin issues, such as adult acne or rosacea, may find skin clearing and soothing benefits to their skin. It is not uncommon for a licensed massage therapist to also possess some expert skincare knowledge, along with pain management that certain oils can also help out with. Tea Tree is one type of oil that may be appropriate for certain acne sufferers to have applied daily.   While certain other oils like ginger and Palo Santo are believed to help with pain management for some people. Ginger is another type of oil that may be able to help with pain management on a daily basis while also helping to improve the overall circulation when used in specialized spa treatments.

